Hello! My name is Bushra Choudhury. As a licensed mental health counselor, I provide online virtualprivate pay therapy to individuals and couples.
My individual therapy clientele consist of women like you, who are strong, independent, and motivated to want to heal and grow. I believe that you are worth investing in. Let me be an emotional support for you and help you navigate through this journey of exploring and healing.
For couples who are seeking therapy, I value your relationship. Be it a few months or years of togetherness, I acknowledge the effort you had put in before coming to see me. I will be your non judgmental, empathetic facilitator as you get to iron out or resolve the issues that made you seek out couple therapy.
Whether you are seeking individual or couple therapy, I want you to consider your needs, and see if you can commit to therapy. To get started, go ahead and book a session using our website.
At “LikeMindedTherapy” we believe in restoring your mindset!
We look at therapy holistically, taking into perspective that every one of us are ever evolving humans with evolving needs and wants.
Congratulations on investing in yourself!